
Talbot's Inspired Tote: Completed!

I fell in love with this tote,
but wasn't willing to spend $80 for it.

So, I decided to make one myself.

Originally, my intentions were to make an exact replica.

Upon visiting multiple local fabric shops, however,
and not finding the braided jute detailing,
I decided to skip that feature.

Then, as I began addressing the rope shoulder straps
and oversized grommets, I changed my plans again.

Never having loved rope straps on previous bags,
coupled with the fact that large grommets
(and accompanying installation kits)
would run me nearly $10,
I was happy to make sturdy fabric straps myself!

My final change was to line the bag in a bold patterned fabric.
I originally intended to use white canvas, but after
stumbling across this print, I couldn't pass it up!

So while it isn't exactly like the original,
(hey, at least its yellow and has a pineapple!)
I actually think I like it better
(for my purposes and budget especially)!

For less than $10 in fabric,
I was able to construct a sturdy bag for the pool this summer.

The outer fabric and lining are both made from heavy-weight canvas.
(Clean-up will be simple; I can just throw it in the wash.)
I recently found the patterned canvas at Hobby Lobby;
I'm in love with it, and want to use it again soon.

This sunny bag puts me in the mood for summer.


It does remind me that swimsuit season is just a few weeks away.
Now I'm depressed!

I better go; the treadmill is calling my name!


Kathryn said...

It looks great!

Monica said...

I actually like yours better!

Susy said...

I like yours 10 times better!

Mandy said...

This is awesome! I like yours a lot better, too. Did you glue or sew the pineapple on?

Kristin said...

Thanks everyone!

Mandy, I sewed the pineapple on.

Heidi said...

I like yours better too. Wow, that is so cute! I can't believe how creative you are.

Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

Awesome bag! Love the colors!

Kelly O. said...

oh my that's fabulous!

~ Autumn Leah ~ said...

So cute!! I love the lining:) And I do like it better than the original!

jennifer said...

Ohhhhhh I love you version WAY better!I might have to make one too. Thank you for posting your great work.
This is my first time looking at you page. I got carried away and had to look at everything you to and ......well.... I feel the need to get a Costco bottle of modge podge. (no they don't sell it at costco calm down)Thanks again keep you the great work. JEnn

Alison Gibbs said...

Your defintely looks better than the original