After posting about the lunch tote
that I made from a reusable shopping bag,
I got several great ideas from commenters
for more crafts using this material.
One absolutely fantastic idea:
baby bibs!
(Why didn't I think of that?!)
instead of using oilcloth,
to create an easy-to-clean bib for her toddler.
Doesn't this look great?!

Amy from My Ducks in a Row suggested a swimming bag, and blogger, "The Queen," thought that using fabric from the totes would be perfect for an apron! I also thought makeup bags would be a great. Oh, and wouldn't it be adorable as a crayon roll?
Basically anything you would typically use oilcloth for would be a good candidate. And at 99 cents a piece - its worth a try!
What about reuseable snack/sandwich bags?
I wonder about a drop cloth for under a highchair or paint station?!
love that bib...what a great idea! I think I need to make a trip to TJ Maxx! :)
Thanks for the shout out about my ideas! Hopefully I'll have time to get some of these ideas done, heaven knows I have plenty of these bags! I can't resist a cute pattern, no matter what the type of fabric:) The bib reminds me that we need craft aprons for co-op, oooh, these would be cute!
I love following your blog! Now I wish I could just do half the things you do! I bought a couple TJ Maxx bags and was wondering if you had ever made any craft aprons out of them for little kids? My 19 month old LOVES coloring, painting, and anything else artsy and I want a cute little apron for her but can't find one that I love and that will clean up good. If you have any ideas, will you share with me! My email is
I did some online searching for oilcoth tutorials and most said that it is hard to sew on and you need a special foot for your sewing machine. Did you find that to be true with these bags? I found some similar bags on clearance at Pier 1 today (98 cents.. score!)and want to try to make something like an apron or make-up bag. Thanks for the great inspiration.
I haven't checked your blog in awhile (life has been very busy). What happened to your links page? I used to use it all the time. I'm so sad to see it's missing. :-(
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