My pre-schooler just finished her last day of school yesterday and my 1st grader will be done on Tuesday. I couldn't be happier! I am very much looking forward to the slower schedule and time with my girls.
I do know, however, that with that much time on our hands, boredom is sure to set in. So, I was thrilled to read Mique's post on her "Summer {home}School" plan. Click over to see all the details, but essentially, each week is a different theme for the kids to study. Worksheets and activities focus around the theme, while reinforcing reading, writing, and math.
I set to work developing a plan for my own kids.
A couple of notebooks (one for each child)
help me organize each week's activities.
My husband was quick to suggest that perhaps I am so excited
to start because it gave me an excuse to purchase school supplies...
I have no idea what he is talking about ;)
Tabs divide each week by theme.
I plan to fill each divided area with grade-appropriate worksheets.
(For example, my 4 year-old will work on lower-case letters,
while my 7 year-old will work on journal pages)
This is my plan for the summer:
(click to enlarge)
I am relying heavily on Enchanted Learning (so worth the $20/year fee) for worksheets, and Kids Craft Weekly (such a great resource!) for crafty project ideas.
I'm currently working on pre-printing out all of the age appropriate worksheets and organizing all of the craft ideas because I know how I operate. If I don't do it now, by August this plan will be just a faint memory!
I also should mention, that I want to keep this a do-able system. We won't be spending hours a day working on worksheets, but I do want to have some structure so that my girls can continue to improve on the skills they've learned this past year.
What a cute idea! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Ooooh! I was just sitting down at the computer to put something together for my 4 & 6 year old girls to do this summer. Thanks for posting and saving me some time! :-)
What a great idea! I'm sharing this with my sisters.
I love this idea of (summer) homeschool! Thanks for sharing it with us!!
Awesome Kristin- I love the way that you adapted it. And my husband could be heard saying the same thing (excuse to buy supplies :).
Thanks for linking and putting your ideas here.
I love the list you made- amazing! And that you are already printing everything- you go! I need to do the same thing or else I'll be scrambling to do it all once the kids are out of school.
Thanks! xo Mique
Going to have to take a closer look. When I was growing up we had to read books and do book reports in the summer months! Yes, my mother was a teacher and didn't want our little minds stagnating! :)
That is so great! My kids are older (11 & 13) so we will be working on Civics (attending a trial), doing some research & reports (skateboarding & Elvis) teaching them how to use the resources at the library and do reseach... mixed in with some art work and lots of pool time. Have a wonderful summer.
What a wonderful idea!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend.
You're so organized!
Ooohhh . . . I love it especially all of your planning, organization and vision! ;-) I used to do some with the boys during the summer when they were younger . . . but it's become more difficult as they have gotten older. Our first 6 weeks of summer are booked solid with trips, sports camps, swimming lessons, more sports camps, VBS & Nana Camp . . . but hoping to fit some of that in somewhere!? ;-) Btw, LOVE your notebooks . . . as always! SO ready for SUMMER!! Love all four of you ~
Oh and btw, I love how you put under your "Ladybug Study . . . To look for the only bug that G & C will touch" . . . Ha! Ha! ;-)
That sounds like an awesome idea. I might have to share this idea with the mom's I work with. Thanks so much for sharing this post.
Hello - you don't know me, but I was reading your fun blog! What a cute mom. I'm a grandma. I know how much effort it takes to put together a plan for the summer for your kids. In regard to the ladybug idea. I have heard that they sell ladybugs at a store up in Suncrest. Then you release them in the evening up there are they sort of hang around you. You may want to check it out!
LOVE this! Thank you so much for sharing it!
Totally stole it and made one for my kiddos too :)
Now, I'm even more excited for the summer!
Thanks again :D
So I wanted to let you know that I loved this idea so much that I decided to also do this for the summer. I mentioned your blog in my blog post, so I wanted to give you credit.
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