When I spied these frames on a clearance end cap at Target,
a flash of crafty inspiration overcame me.
I proceeded to purchase twenty 5x7's.
At 96¢ a pop, I didn't feel too guilty.
Twenty dollars seemed a reasonable price to pay
for a major pop of personality in my crafty space.

Filling each frame was a lot of fun.
Fabric scraps were all that I needed to complete the design.
I love that once completed (and hung tightly together),
it was reminiscent of a quilt - perfect for a craft space!
Working on this project brought to light my
very predictable fabric buying habits.
It was obvious that I gravitate towards bold, bright prints.
Also, I prefer large florals and am definitely drawn to blues, pinks, and greens.
The great thing about this is that as my mood changes,
I can simply switch out the fabric for more a more current look!
My craft room is nearly complete.
You've seen a peek.
Come back next week for more photos!
Have a fantastic spring weekend!
That is adorable .I love ,love, love the green frames and your fabric choices are adorable.
Holy cow! What a fabulous idea and the perfect addition to your craft room!
Have a great weekend!
I had to come out of lurking, :), and tell you this idea is stunning! I LOVE this idea, the frames, the colors, the fabrics, the potential. This will be one page I won't need to bookmark because I will never forget it. LOVE it.:)
Christine @ Live to Learn
who has a lime green craft room I share with 6 kids and a patient husband. :)
ooooo great idea!
if I had any more wall space in my studio, i would do the same!
What a great idea!!
Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea! I loved seeing the "peek" of your craft room....can't wait to see more! :)
Love it, what a simple cute idea
I can't wait to see more Kristin! I love green, and this is just adorable. What a great idea- and I really like that you can change them out!
what a great idea - thank you for sharing -
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! (I know, I keep saying that with regard to your crafts, but if the shoe fits I am afraid you have to wear it, my friend!). I am stealing this idea - thank you!!
Beautiful idea! I love the color of the frames.
What a fabulous idea!
L.O.V.E. this! Ok, so the ODC efficiency expert in me is trying to figure out how to fasten them so they hang uniformly yet remain flexible to change out.... You didn't hang these individually did you?!
Next time I see frames on clearance I won't hesitate to buy them, because now I know what I can do with them. GREAT idea!
That is the best idea! I have a few pretty bare walls and this would be perfect for those odd spaces that need a bit of pop. Love the fabrics and I love that it does look like a big quilt on the wall. YAY
Brilliant!!! I love it- I'll be down at the dollar store tomorrow to copycat for my house :) Thanks for the great idea!
Wow! I love your craft room! I love those adorable green frames and I love what you did with the frames even better. Gregg and I sat and admired it for a long time
love it. Love the green color and all the bright prints. Makes a bold statment
How fabulous the fabrics look in there green frames. Love it
I'm totally going to have to steal this idea for my office/library space in our basement....so cute, so clever, so crafty! love it!!
That is really cute!
Do me a favor and take a picture of it when it's messy. OK!
very nice idea,
Thanks for sharing your scraps :)
Where is your white two pieces from (the wall unit and the cabinet underneath)?
Looks great! Using scrapbook paper would also be a good idea for this! Thank you for the inspiration!
Stopping by from Today's Creative Blog, LOVE this project!!
Love this! How in the world did you hang the frames so perfectly? what hardware did you use? what was the method??
Absolutely love it! Found out about you on Today's Creative Blog.
I'd LOVE if you linked this up to my Scrappy Saturdays tomorrow!
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