Flannel Christmas tree pj pants - $15, Old Navy (Of course.)
Country Home magazine - $5, picked up by my husband "just because" (So sweet.)
Sitting in my favorite chair, knowing that Every. Single. Present. is already bought and wrapped and under the tree?
(And yes, it is a bit early for a Christmas tree; but in my defense, Hobby Lobby has been coercing me into early decorating since June - its a wonder I've lasted this long!)
You are my hero. I have been out in the garage everyday trying to decide if TODAY would be the day I break out all the tinsel. Now, I have to! Thanks for pushing me over the edge!
Better add "wonder woman" to your description! Good for you!
There needs to be a detox clinque for Hobby Lobby. I need help too.
I'm going to be on the lookout for those slippers...cute!
wow. feeling pretty low right now. jealous.
1.) Jealous of the being done w/Christmas gifts.
2.)LOVE those ballet flats & must get some! Thanks for the heads up!
Completely finished?? That is just wrong. It's not even December yet! It's not even THANKSGIVING yet!! Argh!! lol
I just LOVE your blog and all of your awesome ideas! So glad I found you!
WOW! I can't believe you have all your christmas gifts done and wrapped!!! before thanksgiving! that's amazing! i'm still working on mine, but not too much left to go. i *do* have all 100 of my annual christmas ornaments done and wrapped ... does that count?
New Year's Resolution (early? yes, but you're already decorated for Christmas, so I thought it would fly):
Try to be like Kristin over at Grace Violet.
What!?! every present is wrapped even...wow that is priceless.
Woah. I am positively green with envy!
I have to log off now and get my caboose in gear...
Enjoy! You deserve it!
I've started this post comment more than once already today... Everything I had to say in response sounded a little too rude considering I just worked the past three night shifts. So, I took a nap and came up with this...
You make me sick! UGH!!!
JK, that's got to feel good and I'll be kicking myself for my disorganization come Christmas Eve :)
I hate you! Of course I only say that in a good way! :)
I am so jealous!!! I also am loving those slippers!!! I must go to the walmart and buy me some!!!
I agree with Laura-Wonder woman should be your new name. So, how many of your presents did you make, and how many did you buy?
Go and get yourself a cape and another magazine and relax some more. You need the rest before you tackle the christmas decor!!!
Hey, I posted something SO very similar, just a few days ago!! Too funny....
Wow!! You are so organized!! Good for you!! you are giving me the "kick in the pants I need" to START my shopping!! LOL!!
What are you going to do all Dec.? I wish I could be close to being done. I can never decide what to get everyone. Can you share your stragey? Thanks and have a relaxing Dec.
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