
Weekly Menu

A few months ago I made this little erasable menu to hang on our refrigerator to help me organize the week's meals. While I don't always follow it strictly, it does remind me that we do have food in the pantry (so I won't have the excuse to eat out).

I had some vinyl left over from a previous craft, so I cut it into a 6x6" square, then cut coordinating scrapbook paper as the backing. To attach the pieces together, I used eyelets on each corner. 

Also, in case you are wondering about Wednesday's meal... Ever since Napoleon Dynamite, I just can't reference quesadillas without pronoucing the "L" and adding "dang." I hope you don't think less of me.

P.S. I must also confess that I can quote many lines from Nacho Libre. You must surely think less of me now. I will try to make up for it.


Jennie said...

I too keep a weekly menu, but I keep mine on my flash drive, and every week I revise it, print it out, and then go shopping, we are pretty boring, we stick to the same things pretty much...

By the way, I quote those movies too, my husband and I get too much enjoymnet from referencing "my white stretchy pants"

Emily said...

No judgment about Napoleon Dynamite here! I had to laugh when I saw that because that's what we call them at our house too. And Nacho Libre is a family favorite and quoted almost daily in our home.

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl said...

Stop it! Napoleon Dynamite & Nacho Libre are 2 of my favs! That menu planner is great! I'm going to copy you...you have "skills."

AmyDe said...

Very cute! Nicer than my torn out notebook page stuck under an Ernie magnet. And hey I won't think less of you if you don't hold saying "MOOLTY-PAAASS" from the 5th Element against me. Have a good one and enjoy your Dang Quesadillas.

Holly said...

What a great idea! I'm deffinatley adding this to my to-do list because I always feel like there's nothing to make, even after I've gone grocery shopping!
And I, too, must pronounce the 'L' in quesadillas because of Napolean. :) "Do the chickens have large tallons?"

Alison Gibbs said...

Kristin what a great idea

Anonymous said...

Whenever the school menu shows tater tots as part of the meal, that starts us off.

I also post a weekly menu on the fridge but the kids never read it and still ask daily "what's for dinner?" In fact it is a game to see who asks first!

Tiffany said...

Cool menu. I keep meaning to make a chalk board menu, but the concept is still in my head somewhere, not in my kitchen.

I'll do it whenever I feel like, gosh!