
"Roll" the gospel chariot along...

I'm always on the hunt for quiet activities to keep my kids entertained during church. We have a mini backpack that is reserved specifically for Sunday mornings to keep the activities inside fresh and a little more exciting than things they get to play with regularly. 

Crayon rolls are adorable and fit the requirements perfectly for a church activity. I have had this on my to-do list for quite some time, so using scrap fabric, I put one together. "Skip to My Lou" has an excellent and easy-to-follow tutorial that takes all of the guess work out of the measurements.

The girls loved using it, and the novelty of it seemed to make them stay interested in coloring for a little while longer than normal (I know it will wear off, though!). 

While we are on the topic of church... 

Beginning Wednesday, I will be teaching the 1st grade Bible class on Wednesday evenings. I wanted to create a cute, yet thought provoking board for the class, but I was having difficulty coming up with any ideas. While searching through art supplies, I came across some plain clip boards. I was inspired by this post, and decided to decorate my bulletin board around them. 

You know that I love dirtying my hands with mod podge, so I was eager to get started applying the coordinating paper. The process was quick and virtually fool proof - don't you love projects like that?

The pictures were taken with my phone, so please forgive the poor quality.

I am thinking that I would like to put together a few more clipboards for around the house. They would be great for holding lists, chore charts, homework, etc. 

Do you have any clipboard ideas? What about suggestions for quiet activities for use at church, on a plane, etc? I always love hearing other people's ideas.


Andrea said...

What a coincidence! I have the crayon holder tutorial bookmarked on my computer so I can make it someday. Plus, I saw the cute post with the clipboards as well. I am going to make those clipboards for my girls' teachers for the end of the year (year-round school) and customize them for them. Coloring or reading always seems to be my quiet activity of choice. My girls go with me to get my hair done which is usually a two-hour adventure. They take coloring or reading along.

Anonymous said...

I just love your stuff! I just got home from the craft store and picked up a clipboard to decorate before I read your post! It must be meant to be! I look forward to reading your blog everyday for great ideas! Have a great night! Julie PS. Crafty slice was my fave too! It just sounds fun and hip! I should of commented!

Anonymous said...

Hey me again! I just thought of something cute for you to make for your girls! To keep them busy! How about a roll up chalkboard mat! Not sure how to make one but figured you would be crafty enough to figure it out and then tell me! Good night! Julie

Kristy said...

I use a small clipboard on the side of my refrigerator for emergency information - its mostly for anyone house and/or dogsitting for me, and has basic vet info, contact info, things like that.

Kristin said...

Great ideas! There are so many ways to use the clipboard. Also, Julie, I have seen those chalk mats, and they are so cool. I might have to try that... if I could get my hands on some of that chalk fabric!

Hazel Mayfield said...

Kristin ,

The bulletin board looks great. I love it. Hmmm also maybe the storage problem with your craft stuff is because of me . Have you seen my area lately ?

So many Ideas not enough Time said...

I just visited your blog from the sew along blog and when I saw your clip boards and then the other blogs boards I thought you could us the chalk board paint and paint the clipboard then when you head out to church or in the car or docs or where ever you happen to be the girls can take their clipboards loaded with paper and the crayola rolls loaded with chalk too and then they will have at least an hour of fun quite time. I think I might be doing this for my boys, they love to draw.

Heidi Thompson said...

Very cute! I have made similar clipboards and gave them as gifts to my kids' teachers. They were a hit!

ReminisceHeirlooms said...

Hey I am just in awe of everything here. I have made the crayon caddy's love them. I also teach sunday school and may use your bullatin board idea. Yours is fabulous! You are very inspiring.

Mrs. Jones said...

I love, love, love your blog! I have been teaching bible class, and have been trying to find bloggers with good ideas for class. I am going to do this bulletin board. Thanks!
